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I remember feeling my great-grandmother’s name inscribed at Ellis Island; seeing the hand-written letters exchanged with her family; and the photos of her in Poland as a little girl. I recall how I was struck by the resemblance between her and my sisters. As I grew older, I learned about the experiences of her and her family during the Holocaust. These stories profoundly affected me.  There is a purpose to remember, and an obligation to share. 


In 2017, while I was sixth grade, I began writing a screenplay inspired by my great-grandmother’s life. This screenplay was selected in a student competition to be turned into a film. I took this film, created a presentation on my great-grandmother’s story, and set out to share her story. 


As I began to dig deeper, I found a firsthand account shared by my great-grandmother herself captured on film, and I incorporated it into a short documentary that I created. I have included this documentary as part of my Holocaust education presentation. It is more than my voice now: it’s her voice too.


I have been presenting in-person and remotely to schools, universities, organizations, places of worship, and at community events. I hope this will continue to lead to meaningful discussions, engaging lesson plans, increased awareness, and a brighter tomorrow.  One story at a time...

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